Skærgårdens Secret Love

Secret Love has proven to be one of our best broadmares, and is highly valued. Before entering the breedingprogramme she achieved multiple wins and placings in dressage, amongst others she won the Springer Cup in dressage with more than 68%. Furthermore, she qualified to the semifinals at the Danish Sportspony Championship for youngsters with great notes, including 8 for rideability.
In 2014 Secret was Classwinner at the inspection with 10(!) for type, and was selected Best Pony Of Inspection, Mare of The Year 2014, and Best in Show.
She is the dam of Horse of The Year Show Champion 2017, Skærgårdens Delicious Love, who achieved amazing in-hand results in Denmark before being sold to England. Furthermore she is the dam of multiple Junior Champions, Resv. Best in Shows etc.
- 2 yo Mare of the year "Miss Connemara"
- Achieved class 1 as classwinner, and winner of Mare of The Year title 2012
- Mare of the Year 2014, and classwinner with 10 for type and 10 for head and neck, furthermore she won the titles Best pony of Inspectioan and Best In Show
- Placed 2nd in Kolding Ridingclub Championship with a score of 67%
Qualified to the finals of the Danish Sportspony Championship for 5 yo ponies with amongst others 8 for rideability
- Placed in LA2 dressage with scores of more than 66%
- Winner of "Springer Cup 2014" in LA1 with a score of 68%
Skærgårdens Delicious Love 2012 (3x Junior Champion, Mare of The Year 2015, HOYS Champion 2017)
Skærgårdens Spicy Love 2015 (Championfoal 2015, Junior Champion 2016)
Skærgårdens Do It For Love 2016 (Resv. Best In Show, Resv. Junior Champion, Class 1 with amongst others 9 for type)
Skærgårdens Disco Night 2017 (Best coltfoal 2017, Class 1 stallion)
Skærgårdens Lost Night 2018 (unfortunately we lost this lovely foal to illness)
Skærgårdens Dublin By Night 2019
Skærgårdens Discovery Night 2021

Skærgårdens Delicious Love - Daughter of Secret Love - Horse Of The Year Champion 2017 in Birmingham
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